Big congrats to the quicksilver pro Winners!
It’s no
secret I love surfing. I started when I was just 7 years old and was competing
around 14 years old. I realized I did not like to compete and that surfing was a
spiritaul thing for me peraonaly. I did great my first contest placing third
place against some prety tuff guys. Some of the people there said I should of
got first place! They said it was becuse I didn’t have any sponsors and to keep
coming back. I tried to get a sponsor from a local shaper Randy Richenberg but
he never showed and wouldnt return my calls. I stoped competeing after this and
I was okay with not competing any more. i dont surf as much as i use to but plan
to get back at it one day soon. Here is the only video I have of me in action
some 20 years later, I had not been out in the water in 5 years. However I threw
a monster spray on a rap around cut back.
Not Bad for an old man ah?
Okay enough bragging right? Right! I encourage any near surf to surf as form of therapy. There is nothing like the healing ocean water and wind. Think about it brothers and sisters! We stay coped up in our cubical and tiny rooms being bombarded by negativity on television and radio. Then we are so confused when negative things appear in our lives on a regular basis! Remember “Our habitual thought processes become things” sheer are a couple surf pic from the event enjoy.

Welp Folk the sun is setting! I hope you
enjoyed this quik (no pun intended )
Its a glimpse into muy inner being my soul of you will. It is one of the things
that Im trying to get back into my life. However for now Its a goal. There are
more important and pressing things I have tend too so to speak! Until next time
im out!
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