Home Base Business Verse's the Forex Market

I've tried my hand in the home base business arena so many times it's pathetic. I've tried everything from MLM (which I loved) Internet marketing, affiliate marketing to mailing flyer's. 

I finally had some minor success after meeting a cpl guys that had made it in the industry and started a school tailored to the home base business industry targeting mostly struggling multilevel marketers. 

I never made any sustainable income from them and to their defense most of the failures were due to my own lack of skill, funds and understanding. I did pay $2,500 dollars to learn the truth about what it takes to become successful in any business. It was the best money i ever spent and i still go to the classes from time to time. 

The company was called Onstage Marketing ran by Geno Nicole and Terry Duff and it took the biz world by storm everybody who is anybody on the net took this course and many of the people i went to class with are all millionaires now. Terry Still runs the school but changed the name to WinningMarketingSolutions. I choose the school of hard knocks but I did learn a thing or two from the onstage marketing.

First of all you can absolutely become very wealthy working from home running a business. 

I personally know a couple people who do very well in fact if you decide to go the home based business route you will have the chance to meet him by the end of this page. The problem I have and had with going that route is the time you have to invest in learning and money it take to do it properly. The reason there is a 95%  failure rate in the industries is usually for not having enough of either of them.It's all too easy to get sucked into a program that promises easy money and wealth over night when you're desperate for money which a lot of people are close to at any given time.

A Good copywriters understand these proven techniques. 

Their masters at creating urgency to buy and have proven rebuttal systems built right  into the structure of their copy. There not being mean (well some are that rip you off) they're just doing there job and they're good at it.The truth is these programs are real businesses and any real business takes money and knowledge to become successful. Stay away from anything that promises you have to do nothing but sit back and get rich overnight. 

The average business breaks even after 3 years and most start up don't make it past the year mark.  So if you're hell bent on a current program you're involved in that's okay however please take my advice or you will be on the trail of tears like the other 95% are and there's no need for that, just a shift in mindset and learning a new proven skill set. Don't worry i got you covered. My good friend and mentor Terry Duff still teaches average people how to do it right the first time. He has something for everyone here is one of the many free report he has put out do yourself a favor if you don't want to fail. Read every word like your life depended on it because the success of your home business does. 

Now if you're really short on cash he also has an affiliate program that is 100% free and the best part about it is you get to keep 100%  commission on any sales as a result of your effort and he will guide your step by step how to promote the program. 

A screen shot of Terry Duff on his Free report How To Create Your First 6 Figure Month In The Home Based Business Arena
Terry Duff's Free Report

Does it get any better than that? Trust me you won't find anything out there that matches his kindness and quality. Here's the link to that program Free Affiliate Offer 100% Commissions 

Be sure to let me know what you think and keep me updated on any success you have as I'm sure you will under the wing of Terry. 

Now that you're off on the right track here's why I prefer Forex over other home businesses like mlm, direct mail ect...

They offer most of the same benefits like working from home, the ability to choose your own hours and unlimited income potential. I lean towards Forex for the following reasons. My number reason is I don't have to deal with people in a face to face direct way. Don't get me wrong i don't dislike people, I don't like trying to get people to fork over their hard earned money! I don't know if you have ever tried to telemarketer products or services but i can tell you it takes a serious skill set and mental toughness to be profitable.

In forex I do most my trading laying in bed where it's nice, quite and i can think straight. I get to watch my paycheck happen in real time.

A Screen screen shot of the author trading platforms back office showing $1168.36 Profit.
Mt4  Back Office Screenshot

Where as you are going to learn how to position yourself as an expert in a competitive industry, learn copywriting, put together a presentation, learn to prospect and close sales, create marketing campaigns ect. Even if your program does all that for you (which is a red flag) while you're waiting for results I'm making money and watching it happen live. I don't know about you but i need money yesterday. And don't get me wrong, as is with any investment you can lose money too. Watching that happen can get you into trouble trading currency. 

Click here for the free report Free Report And if you talk to Terry tell him Jason from fx4felons.com says hello. 

Secondly the learning curve is way shorter. One should be able to understand Japanese candlestick patterns within a couple weeks if not sooner, there are too many different things you should be good at marketing goods and services. Look at the chart below. It is nothing more than visual representation of mathematics and Price Levels. There floors and ceilings.

Trading forex i can invest amounts as small as fifty dollars in a mini and within minutes become profitable.

At the end of the day i think trading currencies is one of the best ways, if not the best way to become wealthy without a degree or any specialized training especially for a convicted felon. 

Well that's it for now. If you would like more information on the forex market and how you can make money trading currencies head over to my mentor Chris Pottorff blog and be mentored yourself. Learn the right way the first time. You can thank me later. Here is the link LuckScout.com No matter which direction you go good luck. 

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